Los Angeles
Our housing case managers provide wraparound housing case management services to address your housing needs. Based on your needs and eligibility, our housing case managers can help you with:
Short Term Rent, Mortgage, and Utilities (STRMU) Assistance
If you are behind on your rent/mortgage and/or utilities, we may be able to help you apply for a grant to catch you up on your payments and prevent homelessness.
Permanent Housing Placement (PHP) Grant
If you are moving into permanent housing, we may be to help you apply for a grant that can cover your move-in costs, such as first month’s rent, security deposit, and utility switch-on costs.
Emergency, Short-Term, Transitional, and Permanent Housing
We can help you find emergency, short-term, transitional, and/or permanent housing. We will work with you to create a housing plan so that you can reach your housing goals.
Other Supportive Services
We will be able to provide or refer you to services to help you avoid homelessness or maintain your housing, such as life skills, budgeting, food, finding work, social support, mental health, etc.
Have a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS
Living in or moving into Los Angeles County
Meet income restrictions
For more information about this program, please contact us at (213) 375-3830.
Orange County
Emergency Financial Assistance for Rent, Mortgage, or Utility:
Payments are capped at $100 a year for utilities and $1000 per year for rent and is limited to 21 weeks in a 12-month period.
Emergency Financial Assistance for Rent or Utility Deposits: Help with deposits for rent and/or utilities. This service is capped at $1,500. There is a 5-year time period limit.
Short-Term Supportive Housing: Temporary housing in a hotel, motel, or sober setting for persons who:Are homeless or at risk of being homeless Are coming from an emergency housing, mental health and/or drug treatment programs Were recently released from jail/prison
• Have a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS
• Resident of Orange County
• Meet income restrictions
Main Point of Contact:
Eder De Leon, Case Manager III, at ederl@apaitonline.org or call 714-636-1349 ext. 205 or text (213) 434-2368
If you feel a violation of your rights as an HMIS client has occurred or you disagree with a decision made about your “Protected HMIS Information” you may complete this form. Complete this form only after you have exhausted the grievance procedures at the agency you have a grievance with.